Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Self Audit

My online footprint consists of mostly social media like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook, I don’t have a personal website and don’t plan to create one. I mostly use each to connect with people whom I may not be in close proximity with such as some of my extended family and in times such as not being able to be close to people at the current moment it is how I update people as to what I currently have going on. Facebook is the social media I use to keep my grandparents and distant relations privy to what is going on in my life, at least while I am at school and not close enough to inform them myself. I also use it to see what they are busy doing and what is going on in their lives. Instagram and Snapchat are used to keep up with the people in my life who are more considered peers and are around my age, snapchat is primarily talking to friends in the same way that I would text or call them as it is just another option and instagram is where I look for videos and or memes to entertain myself. Anyone who visits my social media would be able to tell that I have two cats whom i love very much and best friends and family who I would do anything for, beyond that there is no terrible important things to be seen, just that I have a tattoo, some piercings and enjoy dying my hair rather fun colors. I think that social media can have an affect on mental health but that doesn't mean it is necessarily a negative impact, I myself have allowed it to have a negative impact in the past. Following pages that do nothing but talk of sad situations or flaunt their “riches” can easily bring a person down but finding people and pages that do the opposite, post encouraging messages and work to promote self acceptance and the like, can create a sense of purpose and allow for free expression.

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