Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Kentucky School Bans Fortnite

In this article from the Washington Post, a Kentucky school has banned its Esports team from playing the game , claiming that the game portrays too much gun violence. There has been a lot of controversy on whether the school has the proper grounds to ban game as it shows no gore and it is strictly cartoon animations that show deaths in the game. The school claims there is no room for shooter games in schools but this begs the question of if there is an actual effect on the students. There is no actual evidence that violence in video games supports violence in teens or kids therefore no grounds for the school to ban these games from their Esports team. Along with this is the ideal that Fortnite is more of a social media platform than an actual game as it is available to all ages and does not cost anything. As I understand it this posses some issues due to the huge age range of players that can communicate through the game, there are adults playing with middle schoolers and saying what they want without being scencorded or limited, which goes both ways. The first amendment protects our right to say whatever we want but in the circumstances there might need to be a limit as to what the players are allowed to say.

About Me:

Howdy, My name is Jessica Allion but everyone calls me Jesse or Jess, I am a sophomore and an Interactive Media and Game Design major. I am working towards a minor in Instrumental Studies with a focus on Cello and have been really active in the choirs here at HPU. I am from Charlotte, which is not too far from school and grew up pretty much surrounded by fields of corn, I have developed a hatred for corn fields and I have 6 piercings that I hope to add to. My hope after college is to compose music, whether it is for video games or movies or just in general, the plan is to just find a job where I can to begin with and work my way towards the music/game industry. I have a seven month old kitten that lives with me at school, her name is Nissi which comes from the word Pianissimo, it is a musical term that means very quiet which describes her very well.The only really interesting or fun thing about me is that I can drive a manual car, I learned to drive stick shift about four years ago and have only ever had a manual car. Sooooo yeah.