Sunday, May 3, 2020

Technology's Relationship

Over the past couple of years I have seriously evaluated the relationships in my life and wondered about how healthy they were for me and what impacts they may have. I’ve ended friendships and romantic relationships and I have even talked with my parents about the relationship that we have with each other, so looking at the relationship I have with technology seems to be within that theme. I don’t think my relationship with technology is technically the most healthy thing but neither is the relationship I sustain with reading books, I find a book, I obsess over it, and once it is over I have to find another book or I end up entering a small depressive phase. I know that social media can influence someone’s mental health in disastrous ways if allowed and I know that sometimes social media and technology just aren’t the cause of it. In my senior year of high school I had to do the senior exit project, there was a 6 to 8 page paper written in junior year and then finally a presentation at some point during your senior year, you could pick any topic of interest and I decided to write and present about mental illnesses. I learned a significant amount about how social media influences the brain and while there is some influence technology isn’t the only thing that affects mental health. While the things you learn on the internet are not all true there are good things too, like being able to connect to family and friends from extreme distances, which is especially nice during times like we are facing currently. I have a significant number of worries regarding the information available on the internet but I always remind myself the technology has bettered our lives. I do believe there is a certain amount we should allow to affect our lives.