Thursday, February 27, 2020

Cassette Tapes

Cassette Tapes were created in 1962 by the company known as Philips, which was an appliance building company, in Belgium. Not long after it was created Philips licensed it as to decrease the amount of competition that they would have in selling the tapes. As the technology developed further there was a huge boom in adopting the cassette tapes and people began selling these tapes with information already loaded on to them and they were given the name musicassettes. The popularity of this technology was because of the high quality recording and playback capabilities, of course lining up with the "high quality' technologies of the era and their advancements compared to today. With the lack of ability to compete, other technology companies such as Sony, the Walkman was created as a means to jump on this new trend that was appearing to slowly gain a lot of traction. People were able to take music on the go, as it had just become portable and they could even record anywhere as well. Anyone could suddenly make recordings without any of the technical skills that were needed to work a reel-to-reel. Over the life of this technology significant innovations were made to give people better quality recordings and better playbacks for music, these features included noise reduction and more tape formats to name a few. Pocket recorders were introduced not long after which had a significant impact on journalism as it became easier to record an interview or something of the kind. Unfortunately the popularity of Cassette Tapes did not last forever and its downfall was brought about through Compact Discs or CD’s. The abilities of the CD’s far out shined those of the Cassette tapes and lead to people leaving them behind for features such as laser data reading and more data storage.
History of Cassette Tapes